Berger Square Outdoor Mat / Awning Carpet
Maren J.
Test report from 07.02.2023
Wie lange wurde die Outdoormatte getestet?
„The "Berger Square 250 Outdoor Mat" was tested by us for a total of about three weeks.“
Wo fand der Test statt?
„We used the mat during our vacation in Italy on the island of Elba. After that, it was still in use at home on the terrace.“
Auf welchem Untergrund war die Outdoormatte im Einsatz?
„On Elba, we had a stony or clay/slate floor as well as a forest floor. At home, the carpet was still used for a celebration on our terrace with stone floor.“
Wie war der erste Eindruck der Matte?
„The first impression of the mat was positive. The flyweight and the good workmanship of the mat are immediately noticeable. The mat is also odorless. We also find that always important.“
Wie zufrieden bist du mit Gewicht und Packmaß?
„The mat is very light and hardly noticeable. The mat is folded several times and can be stored so well. Included is a belt with which you can tie the mat together. At the belt is also a carrying loop.“
Wie gefällt dirDesign und Optik?
„The design of the mat was decisive for us to take this. It looks like a tiled floor, as it is also modern and timeless at the same time. Practical is that you can use the mat from both sides (light and gray).“
Wie gut hat sich die Outdoormatte auslegen lassen?
„The mat is very easy and very fast to lay out. In windy conditions, it is best to lay out the mat in pairs. There are loops on all four corners. There simply in each case a snap hook and the mat stays in place. Because the mat is folded, it still throws wrinkles at the beginning. This has laid out relatively well on the uneven ground in Italy. At home on the terrace on stone slabs unfortunately not at all. But there the carpet served anyway rather for decorative purposes.“
Wie angenehm empfindest du es, auf der Matte zu stehen oder zu sitzen?
„The mat is surprisingly soft, although it is thin. Walking on it is pleasant, even barefoot. We sat with our chairs on the mat. Getting up with moving the chairs back and forth was no problem. One did not get stuck or warped the mat. The chairs also left no marks so far. Our camper neighbor dog did not want to get off our mat in the meantime.“
Wie beurteilst du die Reinigung der Matte?
„The mat can be swept off or simply shaken out. You could also wash it with a rag, if times was spilled. It dries quickly, so all very simple!“
Overall impression:
„The mat is not only easy to clean, but also very light in weight. It is modern in appearance and is suitable for various surfaces. Unfortunately, the folds do not lay out 100%. But also has the advantage that you get the mat again as well folded as when delivered.“