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Berger Light Camping Table
Berger Light Camping Table
4.86 / 5
Maren K.
Test report from 26.07.2022
Wie lange wurde der Campingtisch getestet?
„The Berger table already went on three vacations. First, a long weekend, during a week-long vacation by the sea and then he was still promptly borrowed to spend 14 days in France.“
Wo fand der Test statt?
„We put the table under the microscope extensively on Fehmarn during our week-long vacation.“
Auf welchem Untergrund war der Campingtisch im Einsatz?
„The table was used mainly on lawns.“
Very good
Wie war der erste Eindruck des Klapptischs?
„The first impression was good. We were very surprised how light the table is.“
Very good
Wie gut gefällt dir die Optik?
„The look is very stylish and beautiful. It does not look like a classic camping table. You think you are sitting at a beautiful wooden table.“
Very good
Wie einfach war der erste Aufbau vom Campingtisch?
„Instructions are not needed. The assembly and disassembly works self-explanatory and is really children easy.“
Very good
Wie bewertest du Packmaß und Gewicht?
„The weight is sensational. According to the description, 3.5 kilos. They seem like 1 kilo. The table is really light as a feather. It comes in different sizes. We opted for the smallest (80x60 cm). For us two absolutely sufficient. The pack size is according to this size and thus it can be stored well in our flaps. Folded it is about 6 cm flat. We must emphasize the simple but ingenious device that holds the table legs together. Since nothing wobbles and rattles.“
Very good
Wie beurteilst du die Standfestigkeit vom Campingtisch?
„The table carries what it should carry. Plates, cups, drinks, food. It adapts to the ground through its movable feet. It is stable and stable. However, you can not and should not sit on it. According to the description, it is loadable with 30 kilos.“
Very good
Wie hilfreich sind höhenverstellbare Tischbeine?
„The height-adjustable legs allow you to set it up even on very uneven surfaces. Nothing wobbles and gone is the time when you have to put stones or cardboard under a table leg. In addition to the legs, the table has round feet that are also movable and compensate for further unevenness. This allows the table to stand securely and firmly. You should always make sure that the snaps of the height-adjustable legs are tightly closed. Otherwise, the table will collapse.“
Welchen Eindruck hast du vom Material und Verarbeitung der Tischplatte?
„On closer inspection, the screws on the side of the tabletop could be a little nicer finished.“
„The Berger camping table is perfect in its pack size and in addition really a flyweight. It is assembled and disassembled in no time and looks great. He could be for our taste but a few euros cheaper. He will now certainly accompany us for the next few years. With this in mind: Table lay you :-)!“
Overall impression:
„The Berger camping table is perfect in its pack size and in addition really a flyweight. It is assembled and disassembled in no time and looks great. He could be for our taste but a few euros cheaper. He will now certainly accompany us for the next few years. With this in mind: Table lay you :-)!“
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