Berger Touring Easy-XL Van / Mobile Home Awning
Andreas P.
Test report from 25.08.2020
Wie lange konntest du das Vorzelt testen?
„We were at Lake Waginger for 14 days.“
An welchem Fahrzeug wurde das Vorzelt befestigt?
„VW-Crafter L2/H2. However, without awning. The attachment to the vehicle was made with a Dometic magnetic bar, which was secured with tension ropes over the vehicle.“
Bei welchem Wetter fand der Test statt?
„As befits a product test, we tested the awning not only in the sun, but also in the rain and plenty of wind. We had mostly sunshine, but can confirm that the awning also defies rain and wind.“
Wie war der erste Eindruck vom Vorzelt?
„Already when unpacking impresses the small pack size and low weight.“
Wie gut war der Aufbau des Zeltes für dich zu bewältigen?
„The assembly went off without a hitch.“
Wie angenehm ist das Raumklima im Vorzelt?
„There are plenty of options for opening windows and doors to ensure a pleasant indoor climate. The two doors at the airlock to the vehicle are also very good, as the heat accumulates there. The window covers can also be opened in half. For this purpose, eyelets were also attached to the half, thus comes even in the rain light is awning.“
Wie komfortabel war das Vorzelt beim Test?
„Construction and use of the awning are top. The passage at the lock possibly a little too high. Here you get stuck but the one or other time. However, the wind, which comes through under the vehicle, is stopped somewhat.
Since the hatch to the lock can also be half closed, there is another space between the awning and Fahrfahrug, which can be used prima. see picture 3.“
Wie praktisch findest du Gewicht und Packmaß?
„Pack size and weight are super. Also the bag is high quality and with the straps well to lash.“
Wie gefällt dir die Optik des Vorzeltes?
„The appearance of the awning is very attractive, modern and bright design. They tensioning lines in bright yellow prevent them from being overlooked. Since we had only attached the tent with the magnetic bar, we could not tension the awning as wanted.“
Wie einfach gestaltet sich das Verstauen des Vorzeltes?
„Although we had not pumped out the air, the tent fabric was easy to stow. You just have to wind up from the right side so that the air can escape from the hoses. However, we had not packed the pump in the bag, as this was easier to stow.“
Overall impression:
„With the Easy-Touring XL we have found the right awning for us. The quick pitching and dismantling make the tent the ideal companion on the camper.“