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Berger Soft Close Aluminium Telescopic Ladder 3.2 m
Berger Soft Close Aluminium Telescopic Ladder 3.2 m
5.00 / 5
Sven und Laima D.
Test report from 27.10.2021
Über welchen Zeitraum wurde die Berger Soft Close Aluminium Teleskopleiter getestet?
„We were able to extensively test the Berger Soft Close aluminum telescopic ladder over a period of almost 4 weeks.“
Wo fand der Test der Teleskopleiter statt?
„Since we had to fix several problems on the roof of our motorhome, the Berger telescopic ladder was used here several times. But also to clean the roof of our camper from time to time and to free it from pine needles.“
Auf welchem Untergrund wurde die Teleskopleiter getestet?
„The telescopic ladder was used partly on gravel and partly on grass. Everywhere you had a safe feeling when you stood on the ladder.“
Very good
Wie war der erste Eindruck von der Teleskopleiter?
„The first impression convinced us right away due to the low weight and also regarding the dimensions in the retracted state. The easy handling when pulling out is also very pleasant. The ladder also made a very positive impression in terms of quality.“
Very good
Wie findest du Packmaß und Gewicht der Aluminium-Teleskopleiter?
„The tare weight of 11 kg is completely reasonable considering the stability of the ladder when extended. The pack size in the retracted state is also okay. In our motorhome, this ladder does not take up much space and can thus be easily placed in the rear garage.“
Very good
Wie beurteilst du die maximale Länge von 3,4 Metern?
„The maximum length of the ladder when extended is just right for our motorhome. You can comfortably get on the roof and can also comfortably descend again via the ladder after the job is done.“
Very good
Wie gut funktioniert der Auf- und Abbau der Teleskopleiter?
„Assembling and disassembling the ladder is child's play. During assembly, each individual tier audibly clicks into place, which already gives you a secure feeling. When retracting, you even have the impression that the individual tiers retract in a damped manner. The Velcro fastening has also proven to be extremely practical and works very well in practice. The ladder is thus securely held together and unintentional extension, e.g. while driving, is thus ruled out.“
Very good
Wie gut empfindest du die Standfestigkeit der Teleskopleiter?
„With my weight of 92kg I never had an unsafe feeling when I used the ladder. Due to the hard rubber feet it ladder remains stable even on slippery surfaces and a possible slipping away is thus excluded. Also the upper end part of the ladder is provided with this hard rubber, which brings the great advantage that the camper is not damaged when putting on the ladder.“
„My overall impression of the Berger Softclose aluminum telescopic ladder is extremely positive. Both the workmanship and the quality convinced me all along the line. The quick use and easy handling of the ladder, both when extending and retracting make it an indispensable companion on our travels. I would therefore not want to miss the ladder and would buy it again at any time.“
Overall impression:
„My overall impression of the Berger Softclose aluminum telescopic ladder is extremely positive. Both the workmanship and the quality convinced me all along the line. The quick use and easy handling of the ladder, both when extending and retracting make it an indispensable companion on our travels. I would therefore not want to miss the ladder and would buy it again at any time.“
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