Berger Split Air Conditioner Arktar 5000 Mobile 5,000 BTU 1,465 W
Susanne P.
Test report from 10.04.2024
Wie lange wurde die Split Klimaanlage getestet?
„a few days“
In welchem Fahrzeug nutzt du die Klimaanlage?
„We use the air conditioning in the caravan and hang it in the window next to the seating area.“
Bei welchen Außentemperaturen hast du die Klimaanlage genutzt?
„27 degrees“
Wie war der erste Eindruck der Arktar Klimaanlage?
„The system arrived well packaged. Even when we unpacked it, the system looked very high quality.“
Wie zufrieden bist du mit Gewicht und Packmaß?
„At 20 kilograms, the system is no lightweight and must definitely be taken into account when considering the maximum permissible weight of the caravan. The pack size is perfectly acceptable.“
Wie gefällt dir das Design und die Optik?
„The interior of the system is very attractively designed and the control panel is clearly laid out.“
Wie gut lässt sich die Klimaanlage ins Fenster einhängen?
„Hanging it in the window is very easy and the window can even be closed when the system is installed.“
Wie schnell kühlt die Berger Split Klimaanlage den Innenraum runter?
„The system was able to cool the interior by 6 degrees within 2.5 hours.“
Wie zufrieden bist du mit der Bedienung der Klimaanlage?
„Operation is intuitive and simple.“
Wie laut empfindest du die Klimaanlage im Betrieb / in der Nacht?
„The system can be heard during operation, but this is completely within limits and is not perceived as too disturbing. The system is significantly quieter in night mode.“
Würdest du dieBerger Arktar 5000 Split Mobile Klimaanlage weiterempfehlen?
„I would recommend the facility without hesitation.“
Overall impression:
„Overall, the air conditioning system makes a high-quality impression and is easy to operate. The cooling also works reliably.
Due to its weight, the system will not be taken along prophylactically (especially with a low payload).“