Berger 19" SMART with Android 11
Jürgen H.
Test report from 28.04.2024
In welchem Campingfahrzeug war der Berger Camping Fernseher im Einsatz?
„Sprite Europe 495 caravan“
Wie lange hast du den Fernseher getestet?
„4 months / 2 vacations“
Wie einfach war die Montage des Flachbildschirms?
„Installation is super easy with the two supplied feet and 4 screws. Switching to the wall bracket was also no problem.“
Wie einfach war die erste Einrichtung des Geräts?
„Even if the menu guides you nicely, you need a little patience to set it up. The Android interface is well designed and very pleasant once you get used to the menu navigation.“
Wie gut gefallen dir Optik und Verarbeitung des Flachbild-Fernsehers?
„Due to the many functions (DVD, Bluetooth, WLAN, LAN, 12/230 volt operation, etc.), it is naturally somewhat wider. However, as it remains very light, this is not a disadvantage.“
Wie empfindest du die Bildqualität?
„The quality is exactly as expected. The LED screen produces a sharp picture. However, sunlight also leads to reflections. However, as long as it is not installed directly under or next to a window, this is not a problem.“
Wie zufrieden bist du mit der Tonqualität?
„The sound quality is the TV's only weakness. The built-in speakers sound a little tinny despite the various sound modes. BUT: The pairing with our Bluetooth speaker (a JBL Flip 5 in our case) works fantastically well and solves this problem. The option of deactivating the TV speakers and only listening to the sound via the speaker is really important.“
Wie bewertest du das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis?
„Great product that is really versatile - at a reasonable price.“
Welche Features (CI-Slot, DVD-Player usw.) hast du in Anspruch genommen und wie bewertest du diese?
„In the test, we tried out all the functions except the CI slot and were completely satisfied.“
Würdest du das TV-Gerät weiterempfehlen?
„Definitely. A solid device with lots of functions at a reasonable price.“
Overall impression:
„The device served us well during the rainy days on vacation. With the wide range of options, Eshare - to mirror iPhone content, as well as Amazon Prime, Netflix and ARD Mediathek, to name just a few of the many apps available, everyone is sure to get their money's worth. My daughter and I were particularly impressed by the compatibility - we were very positively surprised that the TV can also stream children's series via the mobile hotspot away from the WLAN.“