Cleaning & Care Products
Clean and seal your vehicle with caravan cleaner and mobile home care. Regular maintenance of mobile homes and caravans not only looks good, but also helps to preserve their value. Here you will find all the necessary care products and cleaning agents to make your camper shine again.

Caravan and camper cleaning and sealing
Caravan cleaner and motorhome care
Caravan cleaner and motorhome care for perfect cleanliness for your vehicle exterior. Here in the Berger Shop you will find everything you need to turn your camper back into a clean and polished gem. The effort is worth it, because after thorough cleaning, polishing and sealing, your mobile home remains clean and protected for longer. Remove rain streaks and stuck insects before you wash your caravan or clean your motorhome. After that comes the cleaning with a brush or cloth and then the maintenance.
Is motorhome and caravan washing allowed on the street?
When it comes to washing your caravan or motorhome, same rules apply as when you wash your regular car. Washing and maintenance is not welcome, even in the private driveway. Caravan or motorhome washing may even be strictly prohibited, for example, near a nature reserve. Not only can the caravan cleaner or motorhome cleaner seep into the ground, dissolved heavy oil, tar and other toxic dirt particles can get directly into the groundwater during washing.
Therefore, please resort to self-service car wash stations or the larger car wash facilities for washing motorhomes and caravans!
Polishing and sealing of caravan and motorhome
Polishing and sealing is possible any time and anywhere. As soon as your vehicle is cleaned and no more environmental toxins can get into the groundwater, nothing stands in the way of polishing and sealing, even in your own driveway.
Conclusion: Cleaning caravans and motorhomes
Dirt on the outside of caravan & motorhome are not only unsightly to look at, but can also have a negative effect on the paint after some time. Accordingly, it is advisable from time to time to get to grips with the dirt with a cleaning agent. A good caravan cleaning agent should not only remove the dirt quickly, but also not attack the paint too much.
Berger Camping has a wide variety of caravan and motorhome cleaning products in its range for this purpose. Which cleaning agent you choose should always depend on the intended use, i.e. the surface to be treated.